
What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

How Does Reiki Work?

We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body though pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.

What is the history of Reiki?

Mrs. Hawayo Takata (Takata Sensei) brought Reiki from Japan to the West in 1937 and continued to practice and teach until her passing in 1980. Because of her devotion, Reiki has been passed on to millions of people all over the world, and the numbers continue to grow! And as you will see, if it wasn’t for her, Reiki most likely would never have been discovered by the West and even in Japan would have been practiced secretly by only a small number of people.

Is Reiki a religion?

Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. Practitioners are not asked to change any religious or spiritual beliefs they may have. They are free to continue believing anything they choose and are encouraged to make their own decisions concerning the nature of their religious practices.

How is a Reiki treatment given?

In a standard treatment Reiki energy flows from the practitioners hands into the client. The client is usually laying on a massage table but treatments can also be given while the client is seated or even standing. The client remains fully clothed. The practitioner places her/his hands on or near the clients body in a series of hand positions. These include positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and feet. Other, more specific positions may be used based on the clients needs. Each position is held for three to ten minutes depending on how much Reiki the client needs at each position. The whole treatment usually lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.

Are Reiki treatments covered by insurance?

Reiki is just starting to be recognized by insurance companies. While not many are covering Reiki treatments, some are. Check with your local insurance company for details.

Can children learn Reiki?

Yes, Reiki can be taught to anyone. I recommend that a child be old enough to understand what Reiki is and that the child request to receive Reiki.

What is the number of levels in the Reiki training?

There are four levels in the Usui/Holy Fire system of Reiki that the ICRT teaches: level one, level two, master, and advanced. We also provide training to become a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher.

What is the duration required to study Reiki?

On a weekend, a basic Reiki lesson is conducted. The course may run one or two days. I suggest that six to seven hours should be the bare minimum of time required. In addition to receiving attunement, the student must be instructed in therapy delivery and given opportunities to practice in the classroom.

Is it possible to earn a living with Reiki?

In addition to posting ads in health food stores, new age bookstores, and other locations, reiki teachers and masters run advertisements in numerous magazines. It is a good idea to ask certain key questions about any Reiki instructor or practitioner you are considering studying with or receiving treatments from. These are a few that will provide you with more details so you can decide.


What Is Tarot?

Tarot is a system of divination called cartomancy. The tarot can be used for many purposes but historically it fell into two distinct groups: esoteric and exoteric. Esoteric tarot contains within it deeper spiritual truths and was developed mostly within secret societies. Exoteric tarot, though you won’t hear it called that, developed in the wider public domain and has been used to tell fortunes and predict future events in people’s lives.

How Does Tarot Help?

Tarot can assist by shedding light on the aspects of your circumstance that are hidden from view. You can’t reasonably construct an accurate judgment of what is going on in your life if the picture is incomplete, and more significantly, you can’t make an informed decision about how to move forward.

Being made aware of your own and other people’s intents and motivations will help you see things more clearly. Tarot lifts the curtain to expose the influences in your life.

Can The Tarot Actually Predict The Future?

Absolutely, in a word. Occasionally, to the point where it literally steals your breath away. Sometimes a reading seems subtle, more broad at first, but as time goes on, you or the querent may see things that seem to be relevant to your own or their lives.

I agree that the future is not predetermined, as some have said. However, every action we take in life narrows our path toward a goal, which is why the tarot or any other divination method may predict our future.

Does Tarot Give You A Clear Answer?

It doesn’t appear to always! However, with time, and particularly if you maintain a tarot diary, you will be able to observe how the cards have been guiding and communicating with you regarding a specific matter. The ability to review a tarot reading and extract additional or different insights is one advantage of maintaining a tarot notebook.

Does Someone Have To Gift You Your First Tarot Deck?

There is no doubt that this is untrue. Many completely unfounded myths and rituals associated with the antiquated fortune-telling practices have managed to endure.

It is advisable for you to get your own tarot cards. You should at least get to pick the tarot deck you want if someone is going to purchase you one as a gift. The purpose of this is to ensure that the tarot deck you use, whether for yourself or someone else, speaks to you. Its appearance and texture should entice you to pick it up and play with it.

Is There Evil in the Tarot?

Not at all, not in my opinion. It is divine in that it is supernatural, and your spiritual sense of good and evil will be shaped by your religious experiences and/or influences. might fail to have any of them.

There are others who claim that Crowley’s association with devils and demons makes the Thoth Tarot wicked. He was a multifaceted individual who was presumably a true libertarian in that he would not stop you from doing anything completely heinous if that was what you wanted to do.

Is It Still Accurate To Pay Someone, Even a Friend, For A Tarot Reading?

It is customary to cross silver on a gypsy’s hand following a service they have rendered for you. It essentially depicts a transaction, and since it does give you value and information you didn’t have before, it would be appropriate to think of every reading as a trade.

A transaction is the payment for products or services, and in my opinion, friends should also participate in the trade. But it doesn’t have to be cash; it may even be something else entirely, like a coffee and a cup of cake. I once traded a facial with a beauty therapist for a tarot reading.

Which Tarot Deck Types Are There?

These days, tarot decks come in three primary varieties that are widely accessible:

the Thoth, sometimes referred to as the Crowley-Harris Thoth Tarot; the Rider, also called the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot together with the Marseille Tarot

Why Do Certain Tarot Cards Appears To Mean The Same Thing As Other Cards?

This, in my opinion, happened gradually as more precise methods for determining meanings emerged and esoteric meanings were produced. By all accounts, you can see that I am describing a formula; this is evident in astrology, numerology, the elements, and the Tree of Life, which includes the pathways and sephiroth.

For instance, the two of swords may represent equilibrium, the need to be silent in order to make a choice, or a fork in the path (some also associate the two of wands with this). For others, the Two of Swords represents a calm circumstance. Peace Restored (Golden Dawn) can be summed up as Peace (Thoth Tarot). It originates from astrological and numerological correlations, including qabalistic numerology.

Can You Interpret Tarot Cards Any Way?

Yes, indeed! And isn’t this connected to the previous query? If a card appears several times and you are certain it signifies something different from the standard interpretation, go ahead and attempt it the next time you see it. It might be one of the aforementioned examples. It’s also a means of developing your psychic abilities and making the experience of reading cards truly unique to you. The gates to intuition can open and flow freely when you learn to believe what the cards (and/or your guides) are telling you.

Angel Healing

What is Angelic Healing and how does it work?

One type of energy healing is called angelic healing. Everybody has an energy system, but in the course of daily life, it can occasionally become obstructed. Consider these blocks to be similar to river rocks. When we experience emotions such as wrath, fear, pain, resentment, or anything that is not truly in line with who we are, blocks like these accumulate. With Angelic Healing, we can release or eliminate some of the “boulders” and get back into the flow, feeling more alive, invigorated, and connected to our higher selves.

What is Energy?

Energy is the flow of life; some call it Chi and others call it Prana.

We often say, ‘Wow, today I have a lot of energy,” meaning that we are in the flow. When we are tired or worn out, we have depleted our energy and need to recharge by napping, sleeping, or relaxing.

We all have an energy body around our physical body. You might have heard of it described as an Aura, or you might have had the hairs (on the arm or neck) stand up because of a sensation outside of your physical body.

How do I perform Angelic Healing?

For each client, I ask the angels to aid in their healing. To help the client as best I can, I center myself and check that I am in alignment with the angelic world and the messages that come from there.

What benefit does using angels for healing offer?

What I value most is, that the angels guide me. I trust the Universe, the Angels and the creator. They know what is best suited for each client at any given time. They know and love my clients.

Angelic Healing can uncover connections that we are not even able to see with our best imagination. A person might come in with pain in a certain area of his/her body. We can work on that body part, as well as other parts of the body that the angels guide us to look at, or even make the connection between painful events and physical pain.

With which angels do i typically work?

Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Metatron are my favorite angels, or the ones I work with most often. Recently, I have also felt a stronger connection to Archangels Jophiel and Raguel.

Michael the Archangel

The powerful Archangel Michael, known as the Great Protector, is linked to the color royal blue and is known to assist us in letting go, severing bonds, and liberating ourselves from negative energy.

Raphael the Archangel

Emerald green is the color associated with Archangel Raphael, the Great Healer. He aids in our restoration, relaxation, and healing.

Archangel Metatron

He helps us achieve balance, both in our life and in our chakras. He is connected to the color purple. In addition, he is the angel who watches over kids, especially his cherished Indigo Kids.

What conditions does angelic healing heal?

Angelic healing is a one-stop shop for everything. Any issue you may be facing can be resolved with the aid of angelic healing.

It can assist on a bodily level, bringing things back into balance, and it also helps us let go of negative emotions or negative thought patterns.

Angelic healing is a physical, emotional, and spiritual clearing, cleansing, releasing, rejuvenating, and refreshing experience.

How is Angelic Healing different from a regular Angel Reading?

Compared to an angel reading, angelic healing is far more thorough and focused on healing the body’s energy system.

Delivering messages to a client, such as from the client’s Universal inbox, is the main goal of an angel reading. That can, of course, also be therapeutic.

I frequently choose a few cards to offer the client further direction at the conclusion of an angelic healing session. I occasionally use this at the start of a session to look for any underlying themes or difficulties.

What distinguishes an angel meditation from angelic healing?

In a meditative state, we communicate with the angels and request healing during an angelic healing session. While in a meditation, my request for knowledge is more open-ended, in Angelic Healing, I specifically ask the angels for healing guidance. Generally speaking, meditation is not as profound or intense as an angelic healing; it’s more of a general form of release and relaxation.

How come i can’t see angels?

Some people are anxious because they believe the Angelic Healing won’t work because they are unable to see angels. Not everyone has angel sight. Some are aware of them, some sense them, and still others hear them.

What senses are you aware of?

Some clients experience a flow of energy, warmth, lightness, or elevation; some may even experience tingling; yet others simply sense that the therapy is assisting them.

Don’t expect anything specific to happen; instead, arrive with an open mind. Remain receptive to the encounter.

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